Last year, I excitedly revived the blog with grandiose plans for reviews, topic expansions, and multiple writing projects. However, after my aunt suffered a debilitating stroke in November, finding a balance between assisting in caregiving, working, and life with an auto-immune disorder became impossible, and my mental and physical health declined. To use a cliché: After some soul-searching, I realized the importance of prioritizing my personal well-being. Obviously, this incorporates many things like allocating time for rest, taking social media breaks, exercising with my chubby dog, cooking, and spending time with friends. But I also know I am happiest when I am writing, and I allowed the story-teller in me to wither the last six months. Well, no more dear friends! Today is the official blog relaunch and new anniversary for A Sophisticated Notion!
April 22nd holds special significance because it marks the 13th anniversary of my mother’s suicide. This day always overflows with pain and grief. I cope either by burying my head in the sand with work, desperately trying to forget the details of the tragedy, or alternatively sprawled across my bed with a box of tissues watching Steel Magnolias and Beaches (her two favorite films). Part of my above epiphany involves accepting her death, forgiving her, forgiving myself, and ceasing to ascribe so much weight to the day she passed rather than all the days she lived. What better way to celebrate her then to reclaim the 22nd for a positive event? She always supported me, and I think this is a fitting tribute. This one’s for you mom!

To kick things off, I have a review of the Sculptresse by Panache Dana Convertible bra for tomorrow, which seems appropriate given the sweltering temperatures. I also found my box of review items, albeit some of which are dated, but most are still active staples in their respective brand’s arsenal of styles. As a result, I am inviting you to celebrate the blog relaunch with me. Let’s start fresh, shall we?
Finally, if you struggle with mental health issues, please reach out to a friend, a therapist, your church, or the National Suicide Hotline. Trust me when I say the world is a much better place with you as a part of it.
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