While battling a cold last month, I received a message from a reader asking about blog contributions. Between the new and old content, my articles helped her find the correct size and style for her shape. As a gesture of gratitude for all the free advice, she wanted to support the site with a donation.
Generally speaking, I am self-reliant to the point of self-detriment and am loath to ask for aid of any kind. It’s ironic because I am the first person to give, but something about my personality, upbringing, or combination thereof makes it pathologically hard for me to ask for help. It’s neither something I admire nor am proud of, but and I am working to be better.
In fact, my domain and website hosting fees are due in a few weeks, and I realized this would be a good opportunity for self-improvement. Since the website is small, my annual registration total is $300, which will keep the blog active for another year. I also purchase most of the items I review out-of-pocket and do not have advertisements. If you enjoy the content of the blog and want to see it continue, please consider a donation:
- Financial: Even as little as $5 makes a difference in keeping the website sustainable. I accept Paypal and Venmo.
- Products: Whether you are a brand, a small business, or an individual, I accept most relevant products for review. All reviews are non-biased and my personal opinion. If you are a store/brand, I also link directly to you for purchasing and promote you on social media as part of the donation.
Finally, I am hoping to offset the registration costs by listing lightly used bras for a $15 donation and new styles for $35. I also have bust-friendly clothing which no longer fits. Hopefully, the products will be available on the blog and Facebook marketplace in the next couple weeks.
If you’re interested in donating or want first access to the listings, please use my contact page. In the meantime, I am looking forward to posting a review of my latest bra purchase: The Playful Promises Rosalyn!

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