Hello Everyone,
Regardless of your feelings on the issue, I think we can all agree that the modern woman (and to an extent, man) is often encouraged if not outright shamed into not allowing her nipples to show through any clothes. Whether you find an erect nipple obscene or natural is another post entirely, but for today’s purposes, I want to talk about a simple accessory that offers comfortable, long term nipple concealment: the nipple cover! Nipple covers are easy-to-use accessories available in a variety of mediums, sizes, colors, and price points, and all of them (*spoiler alert*) are designed to discreetly hide nipples under clothes. Many times in the shop we hear clients refuse to consider any bras that are not at least lightly padded because of this concern; however, padded bras, especially ones utilizing molded foam, can not only present significant fit challenges but are also unavailable in many sizes. Depending on the nipple, even more forgiving spacer fabric bras can be too thin, leaving customers scrambling to fit into a heavily padded cup all for the sake of their nipples! Wouldn’t it be nice to wear any style of bra you want? Or to purchase bras because they fit and support the best, regardless of the fabric? Most nipple covers range in price from $10 to $40 per pair and are available as either a cloth pad or a silicone gel, but for today, we are focusing on Chippey’s Chips whose gimmicky but playful slogan is “Chips for your nips when you’re in a crunch.”

Applying them is as easy as placing the cover near the skin and allowing natural body heat to help the silicone bond with the skin. A thin layer of moisture can also be applied to speed up the process (aka “the lick ’em and stick ’em” method). Once Chippey’s Chips are in place, they stay comfortably next to the skin all day, no matter the activity, and the silicone is so thin and soft, it’s easy to forget they are there. In fact, one customer told me she could not find her pair one morning and realized after looking down that she had actually slept in them! Certain bra accessories, while useful and even helpful, continually remind the wearer of their presence throughout the day and may even require adjustment, but with nipple covers, it is essential they remain stationary and comfortable enough to offer peace of mind. After all, it’s not an easy accessory to readjust discreetly if things go awry.
For a general bra accessory, $25 is a higher end price point, and many customers have balked at the idea of spending money on them. However, the quality and longevity completely justify the price. Having seen the cheap $10 to $15 options, I know many are plagued with the problems I mentioned above, such as uniform thickness, lack of comfort, etc. Some only adhere through an adhesive which in addition to be being a potential irritant also means the nipple covers have a finite number of wears. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some pairs are as high as $40, but Chippey’s manage to offer customers everything they need or want in a nipple cover at a lower price. Because of the ability to wash and reuse them, these are also an investment piece. Yeah, you have to shell out $25 for a bra accessory, but provided you don’t lose them, you never have to buy them again. In the meantime, you are never limited in what kind of bra you can purchase simply because of your nipples. Your cost per wear will be low over time, and the sheer versatility of what the item offers truly makes the price worth while.
Finally, I used these in my video reviews lately because they blend better, and I can attest to the comfort. However, we have also sold Chippey’s Chips for almost three years, and in all that time, I have never had a single negative review from customers. And believe me, many are extremely skeptical about paying $25 for a non-returnable item. It’s a gamble, and if the Chippey’s failed to perform, they’d tell me! Instead, my customers return, and I hear how much they love them. Consequently, if you need to ensure complete nipple coverage, consider these as an alternative to always purchasing a padded bra. The world of non-padded bras is rich and diverse, and I know many people are missing the opportunity to buy and wear bras they would otherwise enjoy all because of headlights or raisins on the cookies or poppers or whatever nipple euphemism you prefer.
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