A Sophisticated Notion

Hi Everyone! Jason is making a triumphant return with a blog post detailing his undying love for Saxx underwear. This post tickles me because, as you will find out, the first time my dad heard about my interest in Saxx for the store, he raised his eyebrows in that dad sort of way and asked if I was serious about $30-per-pair underwear for men. He could not fathom a universe where he, conqueror of the Walmart bargain bin, would ever voluntarily spend such a massive amount on underwear. That was until I bought him a pair, and he had to have more. But, I won’t spoil it. You can read it in his own words below!


So this blog post has been a long time in the making.  First, a small warning: I will be discussing such things as testicles and surgery.  There very well may be too much information.  Turn back now if you feel you might be offended.

Back in October/November of 2017, Erica had discussed wanting to bring SAXX into the store on a trial run.  I wasn’t very familiar with the name outside of knowing they were a bit pricey.  I looked them up online and the first thought I had was, “There is no way I am paying that much for one pair of underwear when I can get a 6 pack of my normal boxer briefs for half the price of one pair of SAXX”.  Now that I type that out . . . it resonates that it’s the same thing I hear in the store from some customers that visit us: “One bra costs how much??”  My internal voice says you get what you pay for, and you pay for quality.  So why didn’t that click off in my head about SAXX?

Flash forward to February 2018.  During a routine physical, the normal “turn your head and cough” turned into a discussion of the PA finding what she felt was a hydrocele: sac of fluid that forms around a testicles . . . as well as a spontaneous reconnect (recanalization) of the vas deferens. So they sent me for an ultrasound and blood work to make sure there was nothing else before scheduling an appointment to have the recanalization reversed, aka a vasectomy, and the hydrocele removed. The ultrasound and blood work showed not one, but two hydroceles as well as a small mass on one of my boys. Surgery was scheduled for less than five days later, and I was told the mass would be biopsied and sent to the lab during the surgery to see if the offending bump was the only thing which needed to be removed or if the whole testicle had to go. I was told that, regardless of the outcome, I would need to bring an athletic supporter, no not a fan of athletes but that hammock with the sling shot design, and tightie whities. I would have to wear both together for the next 2-3 months minimum and preferably continuously going forward. Now, not to give tmi, but I have been a commando type of person since I got out of the military. I was not looking forward to the restriction and unhappy that I would have to confine my fellers for any period of time.  But I understood that hanging fruit would pull on the surgical site and possibly cause complications.

The surgery took about 2.5 hours, and they removed both hydroceles and did a basic vasectomy. The biopsy cleared with no need to remove anything further (although they later did find evidence of cancer which is a whole other blog post). After the surgery I was sore. Very, very sore. I even likened it to Mike Tyson coming out of retirement just to use the offended area as a speed bag while I was under anesthesia.  The athletic supporter and the tightie whities did absolutely nothing for the pulling feeling when I was standing or walking. BUT, Erica had actually ordered her brother and me SAXX Vibe to try out that arrived the week before my surgery.  I decided to give them a try figuring anything had to be better than the current combination I was using.

picture of saxx underwear
Photo Courtesy of www.saxxunderwear.com

WOW!  That’s the first impulse signal that my brain received from my nether region. These are so soft that it feels like sitting on a cloud of cotton. One Amazon reviewer said it was like being cradle by the hands of a cherub which I totally agree with. The two amigos reported back that they were being held in a comfortably tucked and supported position inside of this crazy amazing inner pouch. Within an hour my discomfort level dropped from a 8 to a 3 on a 1-10 scale.  This was wonderful as I am not one that likes to take pain meds at all. The next day I had almost no pain. Unfortunately, I only had the one pair so I did have to switch between the dual layer of athletic and underwear and SAXX. On days I didn’t wear the SAXX, pain and discomfort would start back up anytime I had to stand or walk. Not only that, but I just wasn’t as comfortable and my jewels were constantly complaining about the chaffing and roughness of the other items.

Long story short—TOO LATE!  No seriously, I have been converted to a SAXX fan! The material and quality of stitching is top notch.  The seams do not irritate or rub, and thanks to the inner pouch, I don’t worry about chafing. To quote SAXX directly:  “In 2006, Trent Kitsch was on a fishing expedition and after spending hours in a cold, clammy ocean suit he knew there had to be a better way to protect his package from chafing. A former baseball player, he imagined a catcher’s mitt hammock design and turned it upside down in his mind. After the fishing trip, and with the hammock idea still percolating, he worked with a seamstress and designer — and himself as the fit model — to create a paneled fabric hammock that separated his balls from his legs. Fourteen prototypes later, the BallPark Pouch™ and SAXX Underwear were ready for action.” – quoted from https://www.saxxunderwear.com/pages/info

Inside view of saxx structure
An interior view of how Saxx underwear fit and support

For sizing, Erica ordered me an 2XL which is what I usually buy. Sometimes I feel like I could even go to an XL for extra hold. After six months of wear, my Saxx still look brand new which is saying something for guy’s underwear. She picked me up the modal blend style, and I can’t say enough how soft it is. My son has also been very happy with his pair although he thinks he may prefer the trunk length next time. If you look at their website, they have lots of lengths and fabrics. Some of the crazy patterns are pretty ugly to me, but at least there is variety.

I understand they seem to be a bit costly, but you have to look at it in terms of comfort and quality. To me, they are worth the price. I pay more for shoes that last me a long time and are comfortable. I pay more for shorts and shirts that stand the rigorous routine I put them through of couch to office chair to car seat to hiking outdoors. Why not spend more for underwear that will do the same?  After all, as I mentioned earlier, we often hear someone say at least once a week that bras are too expensive.  And I always have it on the tip of my tongue to say “a lot goes into making a good quality bra that fits and is reflective in the pricing”.  So, with that in mind, I’ve ordered more pairs of SAXX over the last few months and have a balldrobe in the makings.